ACETA News Briefs - November 2021
Dear Colleagues,
On Tuesday the 16th November 2021, the ACETA board of management will meet face to face for the first time in almost eight months. Whilst general administration duties have proceeded uninterrupted as have the management of permanent responsibilities such as dealing with government on the new media reform green paper, the landscape has made it difficult to effectively debate, modify programs, and introduce new initiatives. We hope next week to make up significant ground.
In regard to our dialogue with federal government on the Media Reform Green Paper, particularly that which impacts wireless technology, we can report progress has been realized, with key concerns acknowledged, the details of which will be forwarded shortly to members and associate members.
A basic accreditation program is underway in the manufacturer, distributor member sector area and will be fine-tuned on an ongoing basis and promoted accordingly. This will soon be followed by an accreditation program for the service provider associate member sector, which will also commence in a basic format and evolve into a more sophisticated program.
To establish an industry consensus, ACETA had planned to survey members on Covid vaccination and its impact on their business. However, it appears governments are dealing with the issue and an industry position will probably not be required. Nonetheless, it will be an agenda item for the board next week.
We plan to resume the Archive of Excellence program early in the new year. It also needs to be noted, the Archive of Excellence program is copyrighted to, and the intellectual property of, ACETA. It’s use in whole or part must be approved by the ACETA board of management.
The presentation of the ACETA Industry Convention will also be on the agenda for discussion next week, as will the general concerns revolving round industry education and skills shortages, which have clearly been exacerbated by the pandemic and becoming a critical issue for some sectors.
The authoring of Product Compliance Guidelines for members will also resume, the established Audio document, that is highly valued by members will be reviewed and updated if necessary. It is scheduled to introduce a Lighting Product Compliance Guideline and one for Rigging and/or Temporary Structures.
If you have any pressing industry issues you would like tabled, forward them to [email protected]. By close of business Monday 15th November 202
All the best
Frank Hinton
President ACETA
On Tuesday the 16th November 2021, the ACETA board of management will meet face to face for the first time in almost eight months. Whilst general administration duties have proceeded uninterrupted as have the management of permanent responsibilities such as dealing with government on the new media reform green paper, the landscape has made it difficult to effectively debate, modify programs, and introduce new initiatives. We hope next week to make up significant ground.
In regard to our dialogue with federal government on the Media Reform Green Paper, particularly that which impacts wireless technology, we can report progress has been realized, with key concerns acknowledged, the details of which will be forwarded shortly to members and associate members.
A basic accreditation program is underway in the manufacturer, distributor member sector area and will be fine-tuned on an ongoing basis and promoted accordingly. This will soon be followed by an accreditation program for the service provider associate member sector, which will also commence in a basic format and evolve into a more sophisticated program.
To establish an industry consensus, ACETA had planned to survey members on Covid vaccination and its impact on their business. However, it appears governments are dealing with the issue and an industry position will probably not be required. Nonetheless, it will be an agenda item for the board next week.
We plan to resume the Archive of Excellence program early in the new year. It also needs to be noted, the Archive of Excellence program is copyrighted to, and the intellectual property of, ACETA. It’s use in whole or part must be approved by the ACETA board of management.
The presentation of the ACETA Industry Convention will also be on the agenda for discussion next week, as will the general concerns revolving round industry education and skills shortages, which have clearly been exacerbated by the pandemic and becoming a critical issue for some sectors.
The authoring of Product Compliance Guidelines for members will also resume, the established Audio document, that is highly valued by members will be reviewed and updated if necessary. It is scheduled to introduce a Lighting Product Compliance Guideline and one for Rigging and/or Temporary Structures.
If you have any pressing industry issues you would like tabled, forward them to [email protected]. By close of business Monday 15th November 202
All the best
Frank Hinton
President ACETA