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Presidents Report to the ACETA AGM - 4th May 2019
This Presidents Report to the AGM is the 8th indicating that ACETA is officially almost 9 years of age. However, preparatory work began on the 10th of September 2009, when a dozen or so industry leaders met at the Terminus Hotel in Melbourne, a defining occasion that prompted a Sydney meeting a few weeks later. The sentiment in both meetings was identical across a range of issues impacting the industry at the time, confirming the need to form an association. Therefore, we could justifiably claim we are ten years of age this September and a milestone anniversary.
As is the case with most start up organizations, particularly those with lofty ideals, ACETA has had its ups and downs, frustrations, tight financial periods and the odd armchair critic along the way. However, the association has prevailed, because its purpose is demonstrably critical to industry well-being and underpinned by the steadfast resolve of our core membership. Given that very few organizations successfully transition from the original vision to a viable business model, with failure usually occurring within the first few years, ACETA can proudly consider itself to be well-founded, stable and progressive.
In reviewing the past year, it was far from ‘more of the same’, in fact significant progress was achieved in meeting expressed entertainment technology industry needs. We conducted our first ever convention, which has led to the second event a year later, developed around the best of the first, but augmented with many new initiatives, based around the inaugural and highly successful format. New member benefit programs were introduced, including the development of relationships with specialist individuals and organizations from outside the industry, to provide objective input and member benefits on a diverse range of subjects. These specialist services include; facilitating corporate change, a united export focus, foreign currency trade and management of mental health to name a few. Our finances remained stable and we pro-actively addressed aspects of our management and administration.
For several years’ secretariat duties for ACETA have been performed by Stockdale ACS, on a year by year contract basis. Following advice from Stockdale ACS principals of their intent to retire in 2019, the ACETA board determined if possible, to consolidate all administration and management duties in-house, a strategic move to a) guard against administrative disruption, b) secure the organization in self-reliance, and c) reduce costs and achieve total control of our destiny. Based on competence exhibited in convention management, accounting understanding and industry
familiarity, the executive approached Julie Hinton as a potential secretariat candidate. Julie was interviewed by the executive for the role, and in due course accepted terms and conditions of the position, an appointment was consequently reviewed then ratified by the board of management. The remuneration offered and accepted is the same as that paid to Stockdale ACS but minus certain incidental costs, and therefore represents the lowest annual secretariat costs paid by ACETA in its history. From the outset and by virtue of relationship and probity I was removed from all aspects of the process. At this point we extend our sincere thanks for the services accorded ACETA by Stockdale ACS and welcome Julie to this pivotal role.
And finally, only the uninformed would deny the key role ACETA can play as the nation charters a challenging economic future.
Frank Hinton
President ACETA
As is the case with most start up organizations, particularly those with lofty ideals, ACETA has had its ups and downs, frustrations, tight financial periods and the odd armchair critic along the way. However, the association has prevailed, because its purpose is demonstrably critical to industry well-being and underpinned by the steadfast resolve of our core membership. Given that very few organizations successfully transition from the original vision to a viable business model, with failure usually occurring within the first few years, ACETA can proudly consider itself to be well-founded, stable and progressive.
In reviewing the past year, it was far from ‘more of the same’, in fact significant progress was achieved in meeting expressed entertainment technology industry needs. We conducted our first ever convention, which has led to the second event a year later, developed around the best of the first, but augmented with many new initiatives, based around the inaugural and highly successful format. New member benefit programs were introduced, including the development of relationships with specialist individuals and organizations from outside the industry, to provide objective input and member benefits on a diverse range of subjects. These specialist services include; facilitating corporate change, a united export focus, foreign currency trade and management of mental health to name a few. Our finances remained stable and we pro-actively addressed aspects of our management and administration.
For several years’ secretariat duties for ACETA have been performed by Stockdale ACS, on a year by year contract basis. Following advice from Stockdale ACS principals of their intent to retire in 2019, the ACETA board determined if possible, to consolidate all administration and management duties in-house, a strategic move to a) guard against administrative disruption, b) secure the organization in self-reliance, and c) reduce costs and achieve total control of our destiny. Based on competence exhibited in convention management, accounting understanding and industry
familiarity, the executive approached Julie Hinton as a potential secretariat candidate. Julie was interviewed by the executive for the role, and in due course accepted terms and conditions of the position, an appointment was consequently reviewed then ratified by the board of management. The remuneration offered and accepted is the same as that paid to Stockdale ACS but minus certain incidental costs, and therefore represents the lowest annual secretariat costs paid by ACETA in its history. From the outset and by virtue of relationship and probity I was removed from all aspects of the process. At this point we extend our sincere thanks for the services accorded ACETA by Stockdale ACS and welcome Julie to this pivotal role.
And finally, only the uninformed would deny the key role ACETA can play as the nation charters a challenging economic future.
Frank Hinton
President ACETA