The Wisdom and Tangible Benefits of Belonging
The ACETA membership enjoy numerous tangible benefits, with value judgements directly proportional to the leveraging of opportunities, a privilege only assessable individually, and impossible to quantify generally. By no means conclusive, and in no particular priority order, we list ten tangible benefits most often recounted favourably by the membership.
1. Community
Regardless of size or nature, many ACETA constituents suggest community is taking on a new meaning and importance in the face of increasing market place challenges, that undermine standards, corporate sustainability and personal mental health. Our culture communicates more, but says less, diminishing the sense of community whilst increasing isolation. Central to our being, industry sustains us in many ways, therefore belonging is important to individual and corporate well-being. Whilst a source of strength, community also provides inspiration and opportunity, ACETA is your industry community.
2. Convention
The ACETA annual industry convention counteracts isolation by bringing people together in a non-transactional, neutral and conducive environment. It serves multiple purposes with a focus on personal, corporate and industry development complimented by diverse social events and abundant networking opportunity. The event not only connects, informs and educates, but seeks to resolve topical issues that impact us all, an initiative that rewards those determined to maximise potential.
3. Insurance
The recognized entertainment technology industry peak body, ACETA is the insuring agent capable of challenging obstacles that could undermine the industry, including government legislation, and the lobby to promote reforms that protect the industry. One day when you least expect it, ACETA may just prove to be the best, perhaps only ally.
4. Increased Partnership Opportunity
Producers of goods and services worldwide may give partner preference to those who belong to their national peak body, and the reasons are related to, credibility, probity, commitment and understanding. Suppliers find our constituents through inter-member recommendation, the ACETA web site, Members Guide, and visibility of the ACETA logo on member web sites, social media, and company documents. Promotion, association growth and influence will see this practice increase opportunities for members.
5. Members Directory
This entertainment technology industry peak body publication has been created to serve a number of purposes for your convenience. It categorises the bona-fide membership and associate membership into the industry sector(s) they address and presents their organisational profile. In accessing the ACETA Members Guide, it is quite likely you are an individual or organisation seeking a reliable supply partner. You may in fact be an international technology creator seeking credible partnership and representation. You could also be an individual interested in employment and exploring your options. Whatever the reason, you can be assured the members and associate members presented within are subject to Australian law and have committed to compliant and fair-trading behaviour as determined in the Australian Commercial Entertainment Technology Association Constitution, in particular the Industry Guidelines.
6. Increased Commercial Advantage
By virtue of their application and consequent peer acceptance, Members and Associate Members of ACETA, commit to compliant practices and fair-trading behaviour as determined in the ACETA Constitution, in particular the Industry Guidelines. Acquirers who seek capable, trustworthy and reliable goods and services supply partners, are already, but will increasingly preference ACETA membership for these reasons. Canny members display their ACETA membership on all relevant documentation and in promotional forums, in fact anywhere an acquirer may choose to visit. In addition, acquirers will find membership listings on the ACETA web site and in the Members Guide.
7. Product Compliance Guidance
Available as a member benefit, ACETA has developed compliance guidelines that include safety and RCM legislation. This information has been developed with the assistance of the ACMA and a senior QLD state government safety official. It will conserve member resources, including the avoidance of unnecessary testing, assist in achieving compliance whilst providing a compliance management system template.
8. Skills Shortage and Education
Addressing skills shortage and the far-reaching topic of education, is a complex process and ACETA will continue to develop and introduce effective initiatives. To assist the membership in identifying suitable employee candidates, ACETA has introduced the Audio Aptitude Test program, with similar tests to be introduced that will eventually cover all market sectors.
9. Specialist Professional Business Service Provision
When identified as advantageous to constituents, and where possible, ACETA will negotiate preferential terms and conditions with professional service providers, to improve the bottom line. These services will range from foreign currency exchange, web design, insurance broking, logistics, export consultancy and any other service nominated by consensus within the membership.
10. Networking
It needs very little elaboration, however membership in ACETA has expanded opportunities for many. Engaging with new individuals and organisations have increased commercial and partnership outcomes. Furthermore, the commitment to belonging and participation elicits recognition and increased respect from the industry at its broadest.
111. Industry-wide accreditation
Accreditation is the manifestation of a member organizations commitment to compliant practices, ethical trading behaviour and adherence to a set of standards as defined by the association. Those accredited will be promoted by ACETA to the industry and by organizations to their unique benefit.
Accreditation programs for manufacturers, manufacturers representatives and service provides are scheduled for roll-out within the next 12 months.