ABN 55 997 240 779
PO Box 352
VIC 3070
Tel: 03 9481 7706
PO Box 352
VIC 3070
Tel: 03 9481 7706
ACETA AGM Minutes 3rd May 2017
Location: The Terminus Hotel, 492 Queens Road, North Fitzroy, VIC 3205
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm, chaired by Frank Hinton.
John Ungerer Kramer Electronics, Peter McKenzie Philips Entertainment, Deborah Sloss Studio Connections, Julie Hinton Classic Audio Designs, Martin Bowman Clearlight Shows, John McKissock Clearlight Shows, Soren Norgaard Diversified, Garry Farmer CMI Music & Audio, Peter Trojkovic CMI Music & Audio, Robert Sloss Syntec, Grame Stevenson PAVT, Tony Hambling MTA Sales, Frank Hinton ATT Audio Controls, Emily Dittman Stockdale ACS (guest)
Welcome and introduction
Frank Hinton welcomed everyone to the sixth AGM and thanked the Terminus Hotel for the provision of the room. Frank introduced Tony Hambling, Frank Andrewartha and Emily Dittman. He also noted that the entire outgoing board were in attendance and that quorum was met.
Apologies were received from:
John Penhallow Aerobic Microphones Australia, Paul Mulholland Jands Pty Ltd, Julius Grafton Julius Media Group Pty Ltd, Braham Ciddor Lightmoves Pty Ltd
Minutes of the 2016 AGM were distributed prior to the meeting. It was proposed that they be accepted as distributed.
Moved Frank Andrewartha
Seconded Graeme Stevenson
Business arising from the minutes No business arising was advised.
Call for agenda items
Two additional agenda items were added to be discussed in general business during the AGM. These were:
• 2017/18 Business plan - Frank Hinton
• Women in the industry – Frank Hinton
• Creditor Watch – Peter Trojkovic
The receipt of correspondence No correspondence recorded.
The receipt of the president’s report
Frank Hinton, as president for 2016/17 presented his report to the meeting, outlining that 2016 was a year of necessary organisational restructure for ACETA. Stockdale ACS was engaged to look after the administration, with Emily Dittman of STACS given the lead administrator role. The board decided not to appoint an executive officer, instead the Executive Board Members, Frank Hinton, president, Tony Hambling, Treasurer, and Frank Andrewartha, Secretary acted in place of an executive officer.
Due to these changes, the operations of ACETA have become streamlined, organized and have helped to deliver improved standards and opportunities for ACETA. Frank reported that due to the success of the past year, they are delighted to advise that Stockdale ACS will continue to work with ACETA and will look after the upcoming convention. ACETA will also continue with the Executive team acting as Executive officer, leading the association.
A landmark year is expected for ACETA in 2017/18, with the Board accepting the 2017/18 Business Plan moving forward.
Frank commended the outgoing and incoming board and Stockdale ACS
That the president’s report be accepted as read.
Moved Frank Hinton
Seconded Frank Andrewartha
The receipt of the treasurer’s report
Tony Hambling, the treasurer for 2015/16 spoke to the tabled Profit and Loss and Balance sheet for the 2016 Financial year. He echoed Frank Hinton’s statements about Stockdale ACS, and it being an absolute pleasure to deal with Melissa and Stockdale ACS. Tony stated that the balance sheet for the AGM was in a good position and that the ACETA finances are in a better position at the date of the AGM.
That the treasurer’s report be accepted as read.
Moved Tony Hambling
Seconded Peter Trojkovic
Passed unanimously
Announcement of election results
There were fewer nominations than positions, so the list of nominees was presented to the meeting as follows:
1. Amber Technology, Leon Hart
2. ATT Audio Controls, Frank Hinton
3. Classic Audio Designs, Julie Hinton
4. Kramer Electronics Australia, John Ungerer
5. Murray Tregonning & Associates, Tony Hambling
6. Philips Entertainment, Peter McKenzie
7. Production Audio Video Technology, Graeme Stevenson
8. Quest Engineering, Frank Andrewartha
9. Studio Connections Australia, Deb Sloss
10. Synchronised Technology, Robert Sloss
There was therefore no election and the nominees were congratulated on their appointment to the Board.
Ratification of membership fee
The Board did not recommend any change to membership fees.
Moved Robert Sloss
Seconded John Ungerer
Amendment to constitution vote
Documentation outlining the proposed changes was distributed prior to the AGM. The ACETA Constitution states that the ACETA accounts need to be audited, however, ACETA is not obliged by law to do so.
Motion to re-word sections E.1.2, G.5. and G.7. of the ACETA Constitution to state the following, as underlined and noted in bold:
The business of the AGM will be as follows:
- Welcome and introduction
- The tabling of apologies
- Minutes of the previous AGM
- Business arising from the minutes
- Call for agenda items
- The receipt of correspondence
- The receipt of the president’s report
- The receipt of the treasurer’s report
- Appointment of auditor (as outlined in section G of the constitution)
- The receipt of the auditor’s report (as outlined in section G of the constitution)
- The receipt of any other reports
- Announcement of election results
- Ratification of membership fee
- Other items as determined by the BOM (and as outlined in the AGM papers distributed to Members)
- General business
G.5. Financial records
The BOM is responsible for maintaining current and accurate financial records of the Association. Should statutory regulations require an audit, these records shall be tendered to the appointed accountant for audit soon after the completion of the financial year. The completed audit shall be presented at the AGM.
G.7. Appointment of an auditor
Should statutory regulations require an audit, the BOM shall appoint a suitable auditor. This appointment shall be ratified at each AGM.
Moved Leon Hart
Seconded Julie Hinton
Passed unanimously
General business
a. Presentation of Business Plan
Frank Hinton presented the 2017/18 ACETA Business Plan.
ACETA has never had a business plan before, however the board feels that there is now a clear understanding of the issues and that the administration, finances, and executive is in a good place to deliver.
Run through business plan:
Convention: since this has been announced there has been much popular response. The Board approved the dates of Friday May 4th to Sunday May 6th, 2018. The Convention will be held in Wangaratta.
Why Wangaratta? ACETA’s demographic is placed mostly in Sydney and Melbourne. Wangaratta sits between both locations and is a central hub, popular wine region, gourmet food region, and has great facilities including a performing arts centre and award winning hotel.
We will be aiming for 50-100 delegates, small but compelling. The conference will have business and social time and will not be a trade show. There will be no selling or commerce. The Board hasn’t determined if the convention will be a member’s only event. If non-members will be there, they will pay a premium.
• Friday social day with plenary at 4pm, followed by a civic reception.
• Saturday work day with dinner and/or dance in the evening.
• Sunday, half day to finish at 2pm. Members could use time following this for individual AGMs or meetings.
Manufacturing: ACETA is in the process of talking to govt. using model based on British methodology. ACETA to go to dept. of trade asking for money to assist manufacturers in export. We have started with Creative Vic. As ACETA is a Peak body, it has influence.
Programs to institute: accreditation and certification, two different streams, one to do with importers and manufacturing. One to do with product compliance and safety. ACMA is overrun with problems.
Problem confronted by service providers: workplace oh&s is costing the industry $10m just to comply. A certification program will be written by Roderick Van Gelder. ACETA may introduce an ACETA card to be recognised with venues. Hopefully
Once in place, it will be advertised and probity and an ethical supply chain will be established.
Aceta forum: ACETA has tried all manner of thing to get the message out. More work to be done into how we engage the industry.
Insurance: an ongoing part of the plan. ACETA will keep eye on insurers.
Resource material: Member’s guide will be posted on website and forum, however getting resource material from members is proving difficult. Thank Amber Tech and Leon for doing artwork etc. We hope to end up with 200-page booklet, which will be a resource for people. Help in employment, trustworthy companies, etc.
Skills shortage: ACETA has been working on this for some time. Shortly ACETA will launch an aptitude test. Graeme Stevenson commented that the aptitude test has been completed for audio and will be tested amongst board to work out the bugs. Soon we will be looking for help with lighting/staging/etc. The test can help gage someone’s ability to help companies who are cynical in employing students who can’t roll cable etc.
This may lead to the development of a database of people who have applied for positions but not successful. It will be subject to privacy laws and be similar to a mini employment agency.
Trade event reform: sting has gone out of this issue. Frank reported that he has noticed drop off in trade events. Maybe convention has addressed the need in getting out of the sell-fest and look at development. ACETA has found and extremely willing partner in Diversified. ACETA has been offered a free stand at Integrate. All present agreed that ACETA should take this opportunity. The whole point will be to help spread ACETA’s message.
These are the core programs the Board wants to get up and running. ACETA is not a passive bystander and has to maintain interventionist approach. We will maintain vigilance and intervention.
Moved Frank Hinton, Accepted unanimously.
b. Concern: women in industry:
The issue of low female attendance at trade show has been brought to ACETA’s attention. Those who do attend tend to complain about how they are treated. Frank Hinton, doesn’t see ACETA as ‘boyo organisation’ and was not aware of problems. He is not sure what we can do aside from remaining vigilant and keeping it in mind.
Is membership with women low? – Soren
Some members employ many women in production dept., there is no issue with skill base. Perhaps it is a ‘blokey industry’ by nature? Women do get hard time getting recognised for skill sets.
This is being addressed globally. Less than 10% employed in the industry are women. Integrate will have a ‘women in industry’ breakfast to address this issue. Deb Sloss commented that this is the beginning of evolution. There is many more women at education level into industry, however we are still way behind in terms of women in industry. She is starting to see change and would endorse other’s views.
Unfortunate thing: this works both ways, it is traditionally a men’s industry, lacking structured training. Opportunities need to be there. ACETA will maintain vigilance and if action is required we will get involved, but can’t see what we can do.
c. Creditor watch:
Peter Trojkovic of CMI Music and Audio presented the following: There is no creditor database in the industry. Creditor watch is a company that you pay an annual fee. For this fee, you can go and search companies by ABN. Creditor Watch gives credit rating like ACIC. It will tell you of credit enquiries, any registered defaults, insolvency notices.
You can put an ABN into system as member for monitoring. As a trial, Peter put in all accounts. There was 60 or 70 where the ABN didn’t exist, etc. director changed, etc. Now all accounts are on the creditor watch system, being followed. Peter receives notifications almost daily and can download an Excel spreadsheet which give ABN ACN, credit score any
changes or notices, change of company details etc. business removed, another name etc.
There’s also a different report: risk alert. You can view that something major has changed and once go in get a full multipage report. See that there’s Court action, change in ownership, etc. Information we would not know if we were not members.
As a member, if someone defaults on payments. You can go in and register action. You can affect someone’s credit score. If all members were doing this, we would build up database.
Creditor Watch is prepared to give industry association rate to ACETA members. The benefit is if most are involved to help build the database.
Frank Hinton: Does membership want ACETA to peruse relationship with creditor watch and negotiate? This won’t suit some members as it is a special niche, however it will suit others.
John Ungerer commented that this could save months of worth of work. It is a convoluted process to go through ACIC.
Those present agreed for ACETA to pursue a relationship with Creditor Watch.
The Executive will meet with Creditor Watch and report in newsletter. Peter Trojkovic will be seconded to help.
Meeting close
In closing the meeting, Frank Hinton commended the work of Frank Andrewartha as Secretary and Tony Hambling as Treasurer over the last 12 months.
Meeting ended at 7.54pm with attendees moving to the dining room for dinner and the new board met to elect office bearers.
Emily Dittman
ACETA: ABN 55 997 240 779
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm, chaired by Frank Hinton.
John Ungerer Kramer Electronics, Peter McKenzie Philips Entertainment, Deborah Sloss Studio Connections, Julie Hinton Classic Audio Designs, Martin Bowman Clearlight Shows, John McKissock Clearlight Shows, Soren Norgaard Diversified, Garry Farmer CMI Music & Audio, Peter Trojkovic CMI Music & Audio, Robert Sloss Syntec, Grame Stevenson PAVT, Tony Hambling MTA Sales, Frank Hinton ATT Audio Controls, Emily Dittman Stockdale ACS (guest)
Welcome and introduction
Frank Hinton welcomed everyone to the sixth AGM and thanked the Terminus Hotel for the provision of the room. Frank introduced Tony Hambling, Frank Andrewartha and Emily Dittman. He also noted that the entire outgoing board were in attendance and that quorum was met.
Apologies were received from:
John Penhallow Aerobic Microphones Australia, Paul Mulholland Jands Pty Ltd, Julius Grafton Julius Media Group Pty Ltd, Braham Ciddor Lightmoves Pty Ltd
Minutes of the 2016 AGM were distributed prior to the meeting. It was proposed that they be accepted as distributed.
Moved Frank Andrewartha
Seconded Graeme Stevenson
Business arising from the minutes No business arising was advised.
Call for agenda items
Two additional agenda items were added to be discussed in general business during the AGM. These were:
• 2017/18 Business plan - Frank Hinton
• Women in the industry – Frank Hinton
• Creditor Watch – Peter Trojkovic
The receipt of correspondence No correspondence recorded.
The receipt of the president’s report
Frank Hinton, as president for 2016/17 presented his report to the meeting, outlining that 2016 was a year of necessary organisational restructure for ACETA. Stockdale ACS was engaged to look after the administration, with Emily Dittman of STACS given the lead administrator role. The board decided not to appoint an executive officer, instead the Executive Board Members, Frank Hinton, president, Tony Hambling, Treasurer, and Frank Andrewartha, Secretary acted in place of an executive officer.
Due to these changes, the operations of ACETA have become streamlined, organized and have helped to deliver improved standards and opportunities for ACETA. Frank reported that due to the success of the past year, they are delighted to advise that Stockdale ACS will continue to work with ACETA and will look after the upcoming convention. ACETA will also continue with the Executive team acting as Executive officer, leading the association.
A landmark year is expected for ACETA in 2017/18, with the Board accepting the 2017/18 Business Plan moving forward.
Frank commended the outgoing and incoming board and Stockdale ACS
That the president’s report be accepted as read.
Moved Frank Hinton
Seconded Frank Andrewartha
The receipt of the treasurer’s report
Tony Hambling, the treasurer for 2015/16 spoke to the tabled Profit and Loss and Balance sheet for the 2016 Financial year. He echoed Frank Hinton’s statements about Stockdale ACS, and it being an absolute pleasure to deal with Melissa and Stockdale ACS. Tony stated that the balance sheet for the AGM was in a good position and that the ACETA finances are in a better position at the date of the AGM.
That the treasurer’s report be accepted as read.
Moved Tony Hambling
Seconded Peter Trojkovic
Passed unanimously
Announcement of election results
There were fewer nominations than positions, so the list of nominees was presented to the meeting as follows:
1. Amber Technology, Leon Hart
2. ATT Audio Controls, Frank Hinton
3. Classic Audio Designs, Julie Hinton
4. Kramer Electronics Australia, John Ungerer
5. Murray Tregonning & Associates, Tony Hambling
6. Philips Entertainment, Peter McKenzie
7. Production Audio Video Technology, Graeme Stevenson
8. Quest Engineering, Frank Andrewartha
9. Studio Connections Australia, Deb Sloss
10. Synchronised Technology, Robert Sloss
There was therefore no election and the nominees were congratulated on their appointment to the Board.
Ratification of membership fee
The Board did not recommend any change to membership fees.
Moved Robert Sloss
Seconded John Ungerer
Amendment to constitution vote
Documentation outlining the proposed changes was distributed prior to the AGM. The ACETA Constitution states that the ACETA accounts need to be audited, however, ACETA is not obliged by law to do so.
Motion to re-word sections E.1.2, G.5. and G.7. of the ACETA Constitution to state the following, as underlined and noted in bold:
The business of the AGM will be as follows:
- Welcome and introduction
- The tabling of apologies
- Minutes of the previous AGM
- Business arising from the minutes
- Call for agenda items
- The receipt of correspondence
- The receipt of the president’s report
- The receipt of the treasurer’s report
- Appointment of auditor (as outlined in section G of the constitution)
- The receipt of the auditor’s report (as outlined in section G of the constitution)
- The receipt of any other reports
- Announcement of election results
- Ratification of membership fee
- Other items as determined by the BOM (and as outlined in the AGM papers distributed to Members)
- General business
G.5. Financial records
The BOM is responsible for maintaining current and accurate financial records of the Association. Should statutory regulations require an audit, these records shall be tendered to the appointed accountant for audit soon after the completion of the financial year. The completed audit shall be presented at the AGM.
G.7. Appointment of an auditor
Should statutory regulations require an audit, the BOM shall appoint a suitable auditor. This appointment shall be ratified at each AGM.
Moved Leon Hart
Seconded Julie Hinton
Passed unanimously
General business
a. Presentation of Business Plan
Frank Hinton presented the 2017/18 ACETA Business Plan.
ACETA has never had a business plan before, however the board feels that there is now a clear understanding of the issues and that the administration, finances, and executive is in a good place to deliver.
Run through business plan:
Convention: since this has been announced there has been much popular response. The Board approved the dates of Friday May 4th to Sunday May 6th, 2018. The Convention will be held in Wangaratta.
Why Wangaratta? ACETA’s demographic is placed mostly in Sydney and Melbourne. Wangaratta sits between both locations and is a central hub, popular wine region, gourmet food region, and has great facilities including a performing arts centre and award winning hotel.
We will be aiming for 50-100 delegates, small but compelling. The conference will have business and social time and will not be a trade show. There will be no selling or commerce. The Board hasn’t determined if the convention will be a member’s only event. If non-members will be there, they will pay a premium.
• Friday social day with plenary at 4pm, followed by a civic reception.
• Saturday work day with dinner and/or dance in the evening.
• Sunday, half day to finish at 2pm. Members could use time following this for individual AGMs or meetings.
Manufacturing: ACETA is in the process of talking to govt. using model based on British methodology. ACETA to go to dept. of trade asking for money to assist manufacturers in export. We have started with Creative Vic. As ACETA is a Peak body, it has influence.
Programs to institute: accreditation and certification, two different streams, one to do with importers and manufacturing. One to do with product compliance and safety. ACMA is overrun with problems.
Problem confronted by service providers: workplace oh&s is costing the industry $10m just to comply. A certification program will be written by Roderick Van Gelder. ACETA may introduce an ACETA card to be recognised with venues. Hopefully
Once in place, it will be advertised and probity and an ethical supply chain will be established.
Aceta forum: ACETA has tried all manner of thing to get the message out. More work to be done into how we engage the industry.
Insurance: an ongoing part of the plan. ACETA will keep eye on insurers.
Resource material: Member’s guide will be posted on website and forum, however getting resource material from members is proving difficult. Thank Amber Tech and Leon for doing artwork etc. We hope to end up with 200-page booklet, which will be a resource for people. Help in employment, trustworthy companies, etc.
Skills shortage: ACETA has been working on this for some time. Shortly ACETA will launch an aptitude test. Graeme Stevenson commented that the aptitude test has been completed for audio and will be tested amongst board to work out the bugs. Soon we will be looking for help with lighting/staging/etc. The test can help gage someone’s ability to help companies who are cynical in employing students who can’t roll cable etc.
This may lead to the development of a database of people who have applied for positions but not successful. It will be subject to privacy laws and be similar to a mini employment agency.
Trade event reform: sting has gone out of this issue. Frank reported that he has noticed drop off in trade events. Maybe convention has addressed the need in getting out of the sell-fest and look at development. ACETA has found and extremely willing partner in Diversified. ACETA has been offered a free stand at Integrate. All present agreed that ACETA should take this opportunity. The whole point will be to help spread ACETA’s message.
These are the core programs the Board wants to get up and running. ACETA is not a passive bystander and has to maintain interventionist approach. We will maintain vigilance and intervention.
Moved Frank Hinton, Accepted unanimously.
b. Concern: women in industry:
The issue of low female attendance at trade show has been brought to ACETA’s attention. Those who do attend tend to complain about how they are treated. Frank Hinton, doesn’t see ACETA as ‘boyo organisation’ and was not aware of problems. He is not sure what we can do aside from remaining vigilant and keeping it in mind.
Is membership with women low? – Soren
Some members employ many women in production dept., there is no issue with skill base. Perhaps it is a ‘blokey industry’ by nature? Women do get hard time getting recognised for skill sets.
This is being addressed globally. Less than 10% employed in the industry are women. Integrate will have a ‘women in industry’ breakfast to address this issue. Deb Sloss commented that this is the beginning of evolution. There is many more women at education level into industry, however we are still way behind in terms of women in industry. She is starting to see change and would endorse other’s views.
Unfortunate thing: this works both ways, it is traditionally a men’s industry, lacking structured training. Opportunities need to be there. ACETA will maintain vigilance and if action is required we will get involved, but can’t see what we can do.
c. Creditor watch:
Peter Trojkovic of CMI Music and Audio presented the following: There is no creditor database in the industry. Creditor watch is a company that you pay an annual fee. For this fee, you can go and search companies by ABN. Creditor Watch gives credit rating like ACIC. It will tell you of credit enquiries, any registered defaults, insolvency notices.
You can put an ABN into system as member for monitoring. As a trial, Peter put in all accounts. There was 60 or 70 where the ABN didn’t exist, etc. director changed, etc. Now all accounts are on the creditor watch system, being followed. Peter receives notifications almost daily and can download an Excel spreadsheet which give ABN ACN, credit score any
changes or notices, change of company details etc. business removed, another name etc.
There’s also a different report: risk alert. You can view that something major has changed and once go in get a full multipage report. See that there’s Court action, change in ownership, etc. Information we would not know if we were not members.
As a member, if someone defaults on payments. You can go in and register action. You can affect someone’s credit score. If all members were doing this, we would build up database.
Creditor Watch is prepared to give industry association rate to ACETA members. The benefit is if most are involved to help build the database.
Frank Hinton: Does membership want ACETA to peruse relationship with creditor watch and negotiate? This won’t suit some members as it is a special niche, however it will suit others.
John Ungerer commented that this could save months of worth of work. It is a convoluted process to go through ACIC.
Those present agreed for ACETA to pursue a relationship with Creditor Watch.
The Executive will meet with Creditor Watch and report in newsletter. Peter Trojkovic will be seconded to help.
Meeting close
In closing the meeting, Frank Hinton commended the work of Frank Andrewartha as Secretary and Tony Hambling as Treasurer over the last 12 months.
Meeting ended at 7.54pm with attendees moving to the dining room for dinner and the new board met to elect office bearers.
Emily Dittman
ACETA: ABN 55 997 240 779