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ACETA 2022 AGM Minutes 18th June 2022
Location Gateway Hotel Wangaratta, Victoria
Present: Frank Hinton, Julie Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Tony Hambling, Deb Sloss, John McKissock, Frank Andrewartha, Tiny Good, David Bell, Robert Sloss, Paul McCarthy, Desley Lodwick, Martin Bowman, Gary Pritchard.Apologies - Nil
Frank welcomed all members to the AGM.
Previous Minutes
Receipt and Acceptance of 2021 Minutes -
Graeme Stevenson
seconded by John McKissock Passed.
Business arising from previous minutes No business arising from previous minutes. Call for Agenda items
David Bell as a member in spirit - challenged all members and Board members to get one
new member to join ACETA.
Receipt of Correspondence
No correspondence has been received.
President's report to the AGM 2022
The severely disrupted landscape of the last few years has impacted everyone, even more so a not-for-profit industry peak body servicing constituent needs with finite resources and at the same
time desiring to broaden its impact. Nonetheless, after the unavoidable cancelation of the 2020 and 2021 convention due to Covid, we are truly satisfied with program quality and diversity established for the ACETA 2022 industry convention, one that given the current environment will be compact, but dynamic. Throughout the year ACETA worked on new priorities including:
-the presentation of a convention in 2022.
-preparation for the launch of an industrywide accreditation program
-preparation for the publication of new and updated industrywide compliance guidance documentation
-the resumption of the Archive of Excellence program, producing episodes 4 5, and
-the administration of numerous established programs, such as the governments media reform green paper and its impact on wireless technology.
Membership renewal was due in January and it was most pleasing to realise an excellent retention outcome. In conserving financial resources and maintaining stability in a self-managed environment, we acknowledge and thank the outgoing ACETA board of management and commend ACETA manager Julie Hinton, who maintained all member services and engagement, often in trying circumstances, but always willing to listen to our constituents when necessary and even when not.
Whilst the pandemic has delivered a new set of industrywide complications, it also exacerbated pre-existing challenges. The major concerns we all confront include;
-a severely disrupted supply line in most areas,
-escalating stock, service provision and freight costs
-an across-the-board skills and labour shortage,
-increasing business operational costs, and
-globalised marketing, along with non-compliant and often questionable trading activity.
At some point these issues will negatively impact all companies, and are most effectively dealt with when a sector takes unified, pro-active ownership. All of these issues, will be on the table throughout the convention where we aim to achieve consensus on initiatives to support constituents in navigating the unchartered times that lie ahead.
We are challenged now, and will be in the foreseeable future, particularly given the time in our history where we are also confronting a period of significant personal and corporate transition. However, much negativity can be avoided by associating and belonging. Whilst current ACETA membership is small, it is loyal and dynamic, but much more can be achieved with a larger constituency, therefore ACETAs most important priority is to increase membership to the benefit of a committed industry.
All the best
Frank Hinton (President ACETA)
Receipt and Acceptance of President's report Graeme Stevenson
seconded by Tony Hambling Passed.
Treasurer's Report
Tony presented the 2021 financial reports.
Receipt and Acceptance of Treasurer's Report 2021 -
John McKissock
seconded by Graham Stevenson Passed.
Receipt and Acceptance of Treasurer's 1st Quarter Report John McKissock
seconded by Tiny Good Passed.
Ratification of Members Fees
Frank asked for someone to ratify the members fees. We recognised the need to review membership fees.
David Bell suggested we formulate a brief, concise outline of the benefits of membership and distribute to all members as a tool to have on hand when approaching perspective members.
Graeme Stevenson suggested a video.
Tiny Good asked the meeting to consider re-defining/re-branding the Associate Membership category stating that 'associate' members often feel like outsiders.
Tiny moved for ratification of membership fees - subject to review in QTR 3. Seconded by Graeme Stevenson.
We agreed to review on application -pro rata fees.
Election of ACETA Board.
No election is necessary as we have less nominations than Board positions.
We thank the outgoing Board members - we are very grateful for your service to ACETA. Graeme Stevenson - PAVT
Tony Hambling - MTA
Scott Wilkinson - Alderwood
John McKissock - Clearlight Shows Deborah Sloss - Studio Connections Julie Hinton - Classic Audio Designs Frank Hinton - ATT Audio Controls
Meeting ended 5.00pm
Frank Andreawartha chaired the election of new office bearers.
nominated by Deb Sloss seconded by Graeme Stevenson
nominated by Deb Sloss seconded by Julie Hinton
nominated by Julie Hinton seconded by John McKissock
Present: Frank Hinton, Julie Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Tony Hambling, Deb Sloss, John McKissock, Frank Andrewartha, Tiny Good, David Bell, Robert Sloss, Paul McCarthy, Desley Lodwick, Martin Bowman, Gary Pritchard.Apologies - Nil
Frank welcomed all members to the AGM.
Previous Minutes
Receipt and Acceptance of 2021 Minutes -
Graeme Stevenson
seconded by John McKissock Passed.
Business arising from previous minutes No business arising from previous minutes. Call for Agenda items
David Bell as a member in spirit - challenged all members and Board members to get one
new member to join ACETA.
Receipt of Correspondence
No correspondence has been received.
President's report to the AGM 2022
The severely disrupted landscape of the last few years has impacted everyone, even more so a not-for-profit industry peak body servicing constituent needs with finite resources and at the same
time desiring to broaden its impact. Nonetheless, after the unavoidable cancelation of the 2020 and 2021 convention due to Covid, we are truly satisfied with program quality and diversity established for the ACETA 2022 industry convention, one that given the current environment will be compact, but dynamic. Throughout the year ACETA worked on new priorities including:
-the presentation of a convention in 2022.
-preparation for the launch of an industrywide accreditation program
-preparation for the publication of new and updated industrywide compliance guidance documentation
-the resumption of the Archive of Excellence program, producing episodes 4 5, and
-the administration of numerous established programs, such as the governments media reform green paper and its impact on wireless technology.
Membership renewal was due in January and it was most pleasing to realise an excellent retention outcome. In conserving financial resources and maintaining stability in a self-managed environment, we acknowledge and thank the outgoing ACETA board of management and commend ACETA manager Julie Hinton, who maintained all member services and engagement, often in trying circumstances, but always willing to listen to our constituents when necessary and even when not.
Whilst the pandemic has delivered a new set of industrywide complications, it also exacerbated pre-existing challenges. The major concerns we all confront include;
-a severely disrupted supply line in most areas,
-escalating stock, service provision and freight costs
-an across-the-board skills and labour shortage,
-increasing business operational costs, and
-globalised marketing, along with non-compliant and often questionable trading activity.
At some point these issues will negatively impact all companies, and are most effectively dealt with when a sector takes unified, pro-active ownership. All of these issues, will be on the table throughout the convention where we aim to achieve consensus on initiatives to support constituents in navigating the unchartered times that lie ahead.
We are challenged now, and will be in the foreseeable future, particularly given the time in our history where we are also confronting a period of significant personal and corporate transition. However, much negativity can be avoided by associating and belonging. Whilst current ACETA membership is small, it is loyal and dynamic, but much more can be achieved with a larger constituency, therefore ACETAs most important priority is to increase membership to the benefit of a committed industry.
All the best
Frank Hinton (President ACETA)
Receipt and Acceptance of President's report Graeme Stevenson
seconded by Tony Hambling Passed.
Treasurer's Report
Tony presented the 2021 financial reports.
Receipt and Acceptance of Treasurer's Report 2021 -
John McKissock
seconded by Graham Stevenson Passed.
Receipt and Acceptance of Treasurer's 1st Quarter Report John McKissock
seconded by Tiny Good Passed.
Ratification of Members Fees
Frank asked for someone to ratify the members fees. We recognised the need to review membership fees.
David Bell suggested we formulate a brief, concise outline of the benefits of membership and distribute to all members as a tool to have on hand when approaching perspective members.
Graeme Stevenson suggested a video.
Tiny Good asked the meeting to consider re-defining/re-branding the Associate Membership category stating that 'associate' members often feel like outsiders.
Tiny moved for ratification of membership fees - subject to review in QTR 3. Seconded by Graeme Stevenson.
We agreed to review on application -pro rata fees.
Election of ACETA Board.
No election is necessary as we have less nominations than Board positions.
We thank the outgoing Board members - we are very grateful for your service to ACETA. Graeme Stevenson - PAVT
Tony Hambling - MTA
Scott Wilkinson - Alderwood
John McKissock - Clearlight Shows Deborah Sloss - Studio Connections Julie Hinton - Classic Audio Designs Frank Hinton - ATT Audio Controls
Meeting ended 5.00pm
Frank Andreawartha chaired the election of new office bearers.
- President - Frank Hinton
nominated by Deb Sloss seconded by Graeme Stevenson
- Treasurer - Tony Hambling
nominated by Deb Sloss seconded by Julie Hinton
- Secretary - Deb Sloss
nominated by Julie Hinton seconded by John McKissock