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Tel: 03 9481 7706
ACETA AGM Minutes 4th May 2019
Location: Gateway Motor Inn Wangaratta
4:10pm AGM start
Present Board Residing - Brian Arnott, Peter Twartz, Deb Sloss, Julie Hinton, Frank Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Tony Hambling & Frank Andrewartha.
Frank Hinton - Welcome attended to the eighth ACETA AGM and introducing AGM procedure and purpose. Also mentioned Frank Andrewartha departing as Secretary and thanked for past contribution.
Frank Andrewartha replied - acknowledgement and spoke of benefits of Board membership in personal development and education.
Apologies: Glen Dickens – Dolby, Robert Sloss, David Bell, Peter Troy, Tiny Good.
Motion to accept last AGM minutes – Tony Hambling, Graeme Stevenson seconded.
Business arising from minutes – none
Agenda items – none
Recent correspondence – none
President’s report for 8th AGM – A synopsis of the last 12 months reported by Frank Hinton and the complete report tabled. Proposed and accepted seconded Julie Hinton
Treasurer’s report financial year 1 Jan – 31 December 2018 – Tony Hambling tables balance sheet and Profit & L0ss and explains the positive financial position. Report is tendered and unanimously accepted. Graeme Stevenson seconded.
Board Elections
There are a possible 12 positions and there are 9 current nominees. Brian Arnott, Peter Twartz, Deb Sloss, Julie Hinton, Frank Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Richard Hulston, Tony Hambling & John McKissock.
AGM moves to ratify the new Board – Moved Julie Hinton and seconded Peter Twartz
General Business
Frank Hinton: Reviews the convention – Costs are reduced a little and this convention ran at a small loss.
Recommends keeping it going with a third convention at Wangaratta. Costs in Wangaratta are low and the
venue/area is very good. Considering booking load at venue, third week in May 2020 looks appropriate.
Julie Hinton: If anybody knows of any conflicting events at that time please advise. GS stated a possible conflict but
will check.
General business concluded.
Meeting close and Board Election.
The new Executive is Frank Hinton President, Tony Hambling Treasurer and Deborah Sloss Secretary.
Outgoing Secretary Frank Andrewartha to remain Public Officer for the time being.
Frank Hinton: New Board is planning a strategic planning day and will consult regarding time.
A thankful acknowledgment to Sheree Cross for covering a Dave Bell presentation due to illness and absence.
Meeting close 4:44pm
4:10pm AGM start
Present Board Residing - Brian Arnott, Peter Twartz, Deb Sloss, Julie Hinton, Frank Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Tony Hambling & Frank Andrewartha.
Frank Hinton - Welcome attended to the eighth ACETA AGM and introducing AGM procedure and purpose. Also mentioned Frank Andrewartha departing as Secretary and thanked for past contribution.
Frank Andrewartha replied - acknowledgement and spoke of benefits of Board membership in personal development and education.
Apologies: Glen Dickens – Dolby, Robert Sloss, David Bell, Peter Troy, Tiny Good.
Motion to accept last AGM minutes – Tony Hambling, Graeme Stevenson seconded.
Business arising from minutes – none
Agenda items – none
Recent correspondence – none
President’s report for 8th AGM – A synopsis of the last 12 months reported by Frank Hinton and the complete report tabled. Proposed and accepted seconded Julie Hinton
Treasurer’s report financial year 1 Jan – 31 December 2018 – Tony Hambling tables balance sheet and Profit & L0ss and explains the positive financial position. Report is tendered and unanimously accepted. Graeme Stevenson seconded.
Board Elections
There are a possible 12 positions and there are 9 current nominees. Brian Arnott, Peter Twartz, Deb Sloss, Julie Hinton, Frank Hinton, Graeme Stevenson, Richard Hulston, Tony Hambling & John McKissock.
AGM moves to ratify the new Board – Moved Julie Hinton and seconded Peter Twartz
General Business
Frank Hinton: Reviews the convention – Costs are reduced a little and this convention ran at a small loss.
Recommends keeping it going with a third convention at Wangaratta. Costs in Wangaratta are low and the
venue/area is very good. Considering booking load at venue, third week in May 2020 looks appropriate.
Julie Hinton: If anybody knows of any conflicting events at that time please advise. GS stated a possible conflict but
will check.
General business concluded.
Meeting close and Board Election.
The new Executive is Frank Hinton President, Tony Hambling Treasurer and Deborah Sloss Secretary.
Outgoing Secretary Frank Andrewartha to remain Public Officer for the time being.
Frank Hinton: New Board is planning a strategic planning day and will consult regarding time.
A thankful acknowledgment to Sheree Cross for covering a Dave Bell presentation due to illness and absence.
Meeting close 4:44pm